April 10th? You can't be serious? Well to be honest, it seems even longer than that. I have definitely been on a writing hiatus, though always doing my pen and paper work. Lists, to dos, schedules, appointment, thoughts, hopes, dreams. All that good stuff.
So where do I find myself now, the eleventh day of June? Past the big full Moon and the turning of the season (is it for real this time?)? In transition. Big one. Not certain where exactly I'm headed or what exactly is coming but I am getting quiet and observing, allowing all that is meant for me to emerge. I know this sound kinda loopy, but for anyone who has met me over the past several years and seen and heard all of the wild, funky, fucked up stuff that's gone on, this is the shift away from that. This is where I'm realizing that what is meant for me is supposed to feel good, comfortable, and supported. What drains my energy, rattles my foundation, or does not respect my time, energy, or heart, is not necessary to keep around. I'm shifting and I feel it, I feel it on an even larger scale, too. And I see it's effects all around me.
As I work to cleanse my diet, my body, my mind, my room, my home, my work, my relationships, everything begins to shift. The movement brings me more into alignment, brings my surroundings more into alignment with who I am, what I want, and who I am meant to be. As I remove my own personal agenda from the equation (I think I should do this, this seems right, well the logical next step is, well this would be exciting and fun for now), I am creating space for my heart's work. Sometimes the scariest, wildest, boldest thing we can do is listen to what is in our hearts.
What is it that I truly desire? Who do I want to be? What do I want to create? Where do I see myself? NOT what has been told to me, shown to me, not what anyone else has ever done before. Just me. My story. This moment. All of it. What is my unique story, the song only I can sing? Others help to guide you, help you to remember who you are; your talents, your gifts, your love. But.... when you know this for yourself, know yourself, appreciate yourself, believe in all that you are and all that you do, this is the power of life. I'm on this journey, as are you. Let us silence the noise, the chatter, the news, and let us get quiet and listen. Who are you?
#comeback #returnofthejedi #iammoana #knowthyself #itsallhappening #youaremeiamyou