Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Return of the Jedi

One Week! One Week without writing! What am I thinking? What am I doing? Who do I think I am?! Well, truth is I am a Jedi. But hey, there are NO Jedi's out there that go a week without being a Jedi... without practicing their skills and being in tune with The Force. No seriously. You've got to tune in, you've got to practice, you've got to Let. That. Shit. Out. Otherwise it brews in you, it stirs, it twists and turns and starts to whirl you all over the place. You start to think. To wonder. To ponder the sides, the possibilities, the what if's. You become susceptible to the Dark Side of The Force if you don't take the time to tune into yourself. After all, The Force isn't meant to be held in, to be kept inside you just for you, it's meant to be used, to be shared, to be practiced.

And you know why? It's so interesting, really. The more we let out, the more returns to us. The more we share, the more we see our vision, our thoughts, our beliefs, our power reinforced and strengthened. Of course, it's always up to us to Tune In and practice. To come back to ourselves and focus. To see what is it really that is going on here? Why am I not practicing my Jedi skills? Why am I not believing I am a Jedi? Is it because I'm not a Jedi? ...

No, it is not. You are a Jedi. You did not choose it, it was given to you. That is your gift. Even though you may try to run from it, it will always find you because you are Always called to it and it called to you. You are needed. It is needed from you.

Okay, so if I am a Jedi, why don't I feel like one?

Well, let's see, are you practicing? Are you tuning into The Force?

Mmmmm, not really. Like, once a week. Maybe. Sometimes it's more often.

Okay then, so does a once-a-week Jedi role suit you? Do you think that's even worth it? What about all the other days, what are you doing? You think you're just going to be a Jedi by sitting around? You think a Jedi is just going to be able to combat the dark side of The Force like that? I mean, you are right, it is within you, BUT it does not mean that you don't have to do the work. It does not mean that you do not have to practice. Practice is what makes the Jedi. The Jedi is his practice. Through practice you become, through practice you believe, through practice you embody that which is beginning to take form within you. BUT only if you choose to strengthen it. There is always a choice.

So what happens when you don't practice? What happens when you don't write? You don't write. Then you don't write. Then you don't write. Until you're not. And then you're not and then you just don't even remember what you're doing here in the first place. What was that thing that was so exciting? What was that thing that felt so good? What was that thing that kept me up late, ideas flowing, making connections, leading me somewhere? Oh Yea! That's what it was. What happened to that? Where did that go? I wonder if it will still feel the same... Is it even worth it?

Yes, it must be, if I keep on thinking about it. If it can't leave me alone then it is worth listening to.

Then you begin. You open that post. You type those words. You play that chord, you sing that note, you move those feet. And poof! You're in it. The Force. There it is. Not in the way you remember, but it's there all right. After all, it is Within you. It was All Along. Just waiting for you. To Tune In. To Come Back. To Let It Out. To say, "Hello, it's me. I'm here and I'm ready. I am a Jedi".

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