Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ride the Wave

What a day! Well, what a couple of days, really. I've been feeling kind of "off", kinda cranky, not into things, and just kind of "floaty". Yea, floaty is the word I've been using from yesterday into today. I usually feel A LOT of things in my body, physical reactions to events that spark emotions like anxiousness, excitement, fear, love, etc. I feel them A LOT. In my chest, in my shoulder, in my back, depending on what it is and what it is about, I'm noticing these connections. But for the past day or two it's just been really fuzzy. Not sure what I'm feeling or what is what. I feel quite a bit of upward moving energy, hence the term "floaty". Like I'm being pulled up there into the planets, swirling around in their beautiful dance with them. (I've also heard a lot about weighing less during these times, too. So that would really explain the floaty-ness) Check out these celestial dances, magical!

So over the past day a bunch of things have gone, well, just not as planned... yesterday, as my coworker was getting into work and taking off her coat, getting settled, her earring fell off and disappeared,  as we were looking for it, a large bug jumped out in another area of the studio. Later on (didn't realize until today!) a friend left a box with a few gifted items at a restaurant, then I was making tea and totally forgot about it, left the pot on the stove, all the water boiled out, pot was melting, filled apartment with horrible burning smell. Thank goodness the smell triggered my memory. That was the scariest thing. I was just forgetful, spacey, not concentrated or grounded in activities. And it appears it wasn't just me.

What I really needed was some reassurance today, what I really needed was to know that it wasn't just me, that this was everyone, everything, and a flow that I should accept as natural and customary. I didn't know where that was coming from or in what shape or form, but it was definitely what I was looking for... and it came. In the form of people. In the shape of words, conversation, connection.

Thursdays are usually pretty heavy on the computer work at the studio (responding to emails, compiling the newsletter, etc.) but today... less than five emails arrived ALL DAY. En serio (seriously), no joke. And it was perfect because I was called to conversation. I had a meeting with a potential work study, I met with my coworker and the massage therapist, then the acupuncturist, then a friend who stopped by, then the kids and their parents, then a jewelry-maker who may sell at our boutique, then some more students, then closed and here I am. What a beautiful, beautiful dance. From here to there, floating seamless into and out of conversation, into and out of speaking and sharing and listening. Sharing my story, listening to stories, recognizing the beauty, the uniqueness of each individual. This brought me back, this was just what I needed today. I felt that magic, I felt compelled to sage, to burn incense, to pick a new crystal. And I did. It's the full moon and it's Friday the 13th and the floating may last for a little while. With all of that, all that I can do is dance... and float. Float along with all the other celestial bodies out there. Just Float With It. Ride The Wave.
#weremadeofstars #starstuff #magiceverywhere #itsallhappening #youaremeiamyou

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