Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Warriors of The Rainbow 🌈

You know what all the magical people have in common? They follow the sun. They follow the natural rhythm of things. They tune in to what was here and where we come from and all the bounty that is around us all the time. When I say the "magical people", I mean the people who were here before us, our ancestors, the original peoples, the indigenous, native peoples of earth. Who were they and what were they doing? They were warriors of the rainbow, they followed the sun, the light, that rhythms of Mother Earth. I see that motion. I understand that motion. I find myself wondering... where is the sun? Why does it seem so hard to find it? Have we gotten off course? It all seems pretty dark at times... and then I worry. I find myself worrying and I step back and say, is this where I want to go or do I want to follow the sun? I find more and more the awareness that I can tune myself into that. Follow the sun. Follow your bliss. Recognize the abundance that lies around you at all times and places. You are alive. You have this breath. You have woken up today. You are here for a reason. Trust that, know that, you are a warrior of the rainbow. Our time is coming. We've got this. See you along the way.

Love & Light
#landbridge #followthesun #followtheyellowbrickroad #samestory #itsallthesamestory #herosjourney #josephcampbell #warriorsoftherainbow #magiceverywhere #itsallhappening #thisisit

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