Thursday, January 18, 2018


For as long as I can remember I have had a gift with the word. With language. I’ve had people telling me to write, gifting me books and journals. I learned to read at the age of 2 and never looked back. In recent years, I’ve met authors and had many people compliment my writing. So what’s the deal? Why do I resist all that is obviously here to share. All the stories of my travels, my life, my reflections. The photos, the anecdotes, the characters, the learning. It’s all here and it’s come to the point of no return. It is now or never. And I feel it. 

What happens is resistance. There is so much of it. It is a fear of being heard, of being vulnerable, of sharing my story, of taking that step. Writing in this sense is revolutionary. With every word, every letter, a step in the direction of tearing down all that I have ever known. Every uttering that it is not possible. That this voice doesn’t matter. That this story has been told before. That it’s just not that important. Really. That what I have to say and share and all that I have experienced is just like all those who have come before me or who will come after me.

And that is just not true. How could it be that this story, this life, is not all that important? That it is just meant to stay within me and be reflected on and then released into the wind, never to be seen again. In a sense, yes. It is my relationship with myself. On the other hand, to be shared, to be put in print, validating my experience and these thoughts, words, ideas, intentions, forever. Not with the intention of anything other than sharing this life with all those who may find it useful. It is a teaching. It is a form of leadership. It is meant to be.

Yet I wonder why. Is this really what I am here for? Is it time now? Am I ready? The truth is if we are called to it then we are ready. All that we have made our way through, all the twists and turns and tumbles have prepared us for this very moment, this very thing. Whatever it may be. So despite the voice that says, “You can’t” or “It doesn’t matter”, you can and it does. You are made for this. Where there is the most resistance is where you are called to be. To burst through. To heal this. To step in with love and create the life you have dreamed. To face that voice, that person, that place that challenges you and all that you embody. Stepping up with all of your tools, all of your history, ready for anything and anyone that seeks to pull you down. And the truth is, there is absolutely nothing to fear. Nothing. When you align yourself and allow this all to flow, everything is working to support you. To know this and stand strong in this, in your truth, in who you are and what you stand for, is the true act of revolution. 

So let us stand up, stand strong, and recognize who we are and what we’re here for. Turning attention inward and listening to the call. Answering the call. Stepping forward despite all that threatens to hold us back. Moving in with love. Holding strong to this. With faith that this is all just part of the process of becoming.

Over and over and over.

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