Tuesday, December 27, 2016

To Write or Not To Write

To Write or Not To Write. That is The Question. That is EVERY question. That is every moment of your life.

Somedays I just don't feel like doing stuff. Somedays I'm just tired. And for those of us lucky enough to be born with a uterus, when the hormonal fluctuations of our cycles kick in, we can feeeel it, and we realllyyy don't feel like doing anything. So when I feel like this, maybe I won't do anything, maybe I just totally sink into the doing nothing thing. Although if I remember correctly, this usually doesn't help me to feel much better. What actually helps me to feel better is sometimes just the opposite of what I'm thinking to do. If I'm thinking, "Hey, it's 10 o'clock, I've got a lot of mind-power left in me, let me get started on writing this post, yes, I can do it!",  is it really what I need to do at that moment, when I know I want to be in bed and sleeping by 10? No. Not at all.

I am responsible for my life and how I am feeling, and the simple question, to write or not to write, now or later, here or there, really can make a big difference, over time, hundreds and hundreds of these little decisions compounded to make my life. It is all just habits. If I let myself slide one day, it becomes THAT much easier to let myself slide another day, and then the next and the next until I've completely slidden off what my intended purpose was. But sometimes I do, and that's okay, working on being kind and getting myself back on it.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes we just have these emotions, you know the, "Ughhh, I really don't feeeel like doing that right now..." And we make things into a much bigger deal than they have to be. If we just do those things without attaching so much emotion to them, if we just make the thing into a habit, we recognize that there is something so much more powerful than these emotions that wave up and down and up and down forever and ever into eternity. There is something Much Much stronger than that. It is me, it is you, it is why I am here and why you are here. That purpose, that reason drives everything. If that purpose is strong enough, those passing emotions are just that, passing. Then the Write or Not To Write question becomes clearer. It was always clear, it was always there, it was just waiting for you to see it! So what will you do, write or not write? That's the question...

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