Thursday, December 29, 2016

What I Got

As the year comes to a close, I have found myself feeling the need to slow down and come back into myself. The New Moon today also marks a time of reflecting on ourselves, our habits, our beliefs and fine tuning them. I have this sense that I really do have So Much and that instead of looking for more, looking for new, looking for better, I can look at what I already have before me and make it better, make it richer, make it more fulfilling, make it more pleasurable, make the most out of what I have. 

I was reminded by this today at a friend's house while making breakfast. Rather than going out to grab food, I asked what we already had that we could use. What do we already have that we can use? Well, we have eggs, we have cheese, we have bagels, we have yogurt, we have blueberries, we have bananas... what can we do with that? A Whole Lot. Or not much of anything, depending on the way you choose to look at it. This is also true for any and all aspects of our lives. We can choose to see the lack or the abundance that we have before us. Glass half full or glass half empty. Bank account low or at least having money to pay the bills and provide some entertainment. An apartment that is still in disarray from a late-summer building disaster, or a roof over my head and a comfy, cozy room to call my own. So here I go, turning inward, hibernating, returning to gratitude, to plentifulness, to abundance, to ALL of the things that I have to be thankful for. And I know sometimes it's hard to find those things in your life, but return to the most obvious: this body, this place, this food, this breath, this day, this life. It is all a gift. It is not guaranteed. 

Slow Down. Take It Easy. Enjoy this Moment. Enjoy these last few days of the year, they will never return in this way, in this shape, in this form, or at this time. Love ALL of it. Because. This. Is. It.


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